TS-birthday-website TeenSHARP turns 12!

Today is TeenSHARP’s 12th birthday!

We’re celebrating the TeenSHARP way—by doing youth development work, and hosting the final sessions of our Students for Racial Justice Summit!*

But we wanted to take a moment to share this significant milestone with you. 

It’s hard to believe we dreamed up TeenSHARP 12 summers ago while in graduate school and launched the program in the basement of our church serving just 10 students.

Now, we are helping hundreds of high schoolers gain access into top colleges and grow as community-centered leaders.

Here are 12 ways you can help us celebrate 12 years!

Here’s to 12 more years (and then some!) of changing lives—and communities—by opening the doors to opportunity and dynamic leadership for Black, Latino, and low-income students.